Therapy for Tweens and Teens
In Asheville, NC

Have things been feeling off?

  • Have you been noticing your teen pulling away, shut behind a closed door

  • Feeling like your child is lost, not their usual talkative self

  • Noticing more meltdowns over things that used to be simple

  • Overwhelmed with this new version of your child and not sure how to help them

It doesn’t have to be like this

Kids do better

when they feel better

When your child or teen is struggling, it doesn’t impact them alone. It can effect the whole family in almost all areas of life. Struggling to manage or navigate big feelings or big changes can lead to more explosions, disconnection with friends, and difficulty at school. It can sometimes feel like you child is a different person.

You see their talents, strengths, and potential but don't quite know how to help them see it for themselves.
You may have tried grounding, loss of privileges, and heart to heart chats. Yet you still feel at a loss.

You know they need support more than ever and are doing the best you can to give it, but for some reason it feels like it falls short.

Therapy Can Help

  • Feel more connected to inner strengths

  • Practice emotional regulation through making space for the big feelings

  • Feeling confident in managing distress or times of upset

  • Have healthy friendships and boundaries

  • Gain effective communication skills

  • Explore a healthy identity

  • Navigate big life changes with more ease

Counseling Services for Children and Teens

Children and Families

Currently accepting referrals for clients interested in therapy for their tweens or teens (ages 10-17).

Much of my work with children and adolescents is focused on using expressive arts and play therapy techniques to supplement talk therapy. I provide personalized care based on the unique needs of each child or teen that seeks therapy support. I support children struggling with big feelings and teens discovering who they are and what they want out of life. I often work with clients discovering their identity while navigating peer or family conflict.

My clients often struggle with self-image, identity, and regulation. We work together to improve communication and coping to move towards wholeness and joyful expression. I help the misunderstood or unheard connect with their inner voice and learn how to use it with confidence.

Contact me for scheduling in person sessions in Asheville NC. Telehealth therapy sessions available in NC, SC, FL, and VT.


  • Initial 60 minute intake session: $200

  • Individual therapy 50 minute session: $175

  • Family therapy 60 minute session: $200

I can provide a superbill for services for submission for reimbursement upon request for Out of Network clients.

Depending on your specific insurance plan you may have what’s called out of network benefits. You would pay the full session fee upfront. Then you will be provided with what is called a “Superbill” to submit to your insurance provider for partial reimbursement. It will depend on your specific plan as to how much of the fee they will cover. You can call your provider's member services line to inquire about your plans specific coverage. I can also support you in figuring out coverage.

Private pay means you pay for services out of pocket. Billing and payments are strictly between provider and client. It also means a diagnosis is not necessary to receive services. Please reach out to discuss which option works best for you and your family.

I keep a limited number of reduced fee spots on my caseload. Contact me for more information of current reduced fee openings.


  • Cash, Check, Debit and All Major Credit Cards. HSA and FSA payment also accepted.

    Cancellation Policy

    • If you are not able to attend a scheduled therapy appointment, please notify me at least 24 hours in advance. If notice is given within 24 hours of a scheduled session, you will be required to pay the full cost of the session.

Getting Started

- Contact me to schedule an initial consultation phone or virtual call. During the consultation call we can discuss the current needs, how I can support, and if I am a good fit for working with you or your child. Client choice and autonomy are important pieces of therapeutic work. Feeling that your therapist “gets” you can make an overwhelming process easier to manage.

Consultation calls are also great times to ask any questions that are helpful in making an informed choice. These questions may include:

-What is your approach to therapy?
-My child may not be that talkative, how would therapy work best for them?
-I’m new to therapy and not sure what to expect. Can you describe what a typical session may look like?
-Do you have a dog?

If we feel that there is a good therapeutic fit after the consultation call, we can discuss logistics and scheduling. If we feel that there is not a fit, we can discuss referral information for the best fit for your needs.

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